Levi Sudri - לוי סודרי
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#: 109
Price: 90 NIS

To order by Phone:
Rambam Sefer Hamada - Introduction, Hilchot Yesodei Hatorah, Deot, Avodah Zara, Teshuva
Shulchan Aruch
#: 110
Price: 90 NIS

To order by Phone:
Shulchan Aruch - Hilchot hashkamat haboker, Tzitzit, Tefillin, Keriyat Shema, Tefillah

© Levi Sudri, POB 70168, Ramat Bet Shemesh, 99621 Israel. Phone: +972-2-999-3298 or +972-50-675-4604. Email: sudrilevi@gmail.com